As Tina’s Mom in “Thirsty” (2016) directed by Margo Pelletier, produced by Lisa Thomas, opposite Jonny Beauchamp and Tina Ehrnstrom.
I loved being a part of this project.
“Bullied girly-boy Scott Townsend grows up to become drag queen sensation Thirsty Burlington, known for her spot on impersonation of Cher; but is it enough? A true-life musical adventure as dramatic as it is entertaining. Starring Scott Townsend, Deirdre Lovejoy, Cole Canzano, Jonny Beauchamp, Christopher Rivera, Michael DiGioia, Keith Leonard and Malina Weissman.”
Go. See. Love. And pain. And awakening. And drag and music.
Screening March 28 at Anthology Film Archives, a program of NY Women in Film and Television.
Get yer tickets here…